Five-minute Friday: Beloved


Ava Sophie has a fight going on. The fight of keeping her head above water. She is tired, haven’t got much more to go on: only her reserve stock. Still She keep on going. The thought is “walk till you drop”. A foolish thought maybe(for certain). But this girl has a secret weapon… It is God. He gives her strength right when her feet are about to collapse.

Right when she has so much to do and so little time to get it done, God interferes. He gives her his word for one thing. A word that fits the situation every time! Ever had that friend or boyfriend that says the right things at the right time every time? Well, God is That person times hundred. Then, right after giving her the soothing word she needed: he lifts her up, carries her on. On the path she is meant to walk on.

Ava Sophie is insecure, she breaks down from time to time. But each time she gets up, She is more stronger than before, it is longer between each time, and it lasts the shorter between the break down and the getting up-part.
This is happening in this moment, right as we speak. She is about to realize that she is Gods beloved daughter.

Ava Sophie is about to rise again, on Daddy’s shoulder


Five Minute Friday

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